Where’s All The Money Going? – A Look At Ireland’s 14 Centrally Contracted Players

Is the money being spent wisely?

A lot of fans were understandably upset when Donnacha Ryan wasn’t offered a central contract last season. But after seeing James Ryan come through, and Tadhg Beirne set to come home, it’s clear Joe Schmidt and David Nucifora had a plan.

Simon Zebo also wasn’t offered a central contract, but given the money he’s reportedly set to earn in France, it probably wouldn’t have made much of a difference.

But who is on a central contract? 14 players are currently centrally contracted (from what we can gather), with five of those deals set to run out next summer. Is the money being spent well on the right players?

It’s also worth noting that CJ Stander and Iain Henderson are out of contract in the summer. Should they be offered central contracts?

Have a look below.

June 2018

  • Rob Kearney (Leinster – 2018)
  • Tommy Bowe (Ulster – 2018)
  • Rory Best (Ulster – 2018)
  • Peter O’Mahony (Munster – 2018)
  • Jared Payne (Ulster – 2018)

Post-World Cup 2019

  • Sean O’Brien (Leinster – 2019)
  • Keith Earls (Munster – 2019)
  • Robbie Henshaw (Leinster – 2019)
  • Johnny Sexton (Leinster – 2019)
  • Cian Healy (Leinster – 2019)
  • Jack McGrath (Leinster – 2019)
  • Conor Murray (Munster – 2019)
  • Devin Toner (Leinster – 2020)
  • Jamie Heaslip (Leinster – 2020)

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