WATCH: Ross Moriarty Loses The Plot And Tries To Choke Out Nicolas Sanchez


Wales made it back-to-back wins over Los Pumas in Argentina last night, securing the series in the process. But the win was slightly overshadowed by Ross Moriarty’s red card.

Moriarty has since apologised for the incident that occurred in the final minutes, that saw him get Argentine playmaker Nicolas Sanchez in a dangerous and aggressive chokehold.

The incident occurred right in front of the assistant referee, which prompted one of the Pumas’ medical staff to get involved as he pushed Moriarty in the face. Referee Jaco Peyper was given no choice but to show Moriarty a red, after referring the 82nd minute incident with the TMO.

The South African official told Wales skipper Cory Hill:

“It’s deliberate, it’s around the neck.”

“The assistant ref tried to call him off three times. He choked him and choked him.”

Writing on Instagram on Saturday night, Moriarty apologised for hie behaviour:

“Sorry for my reaction at the end of the game.”

“Extremely proud of this squad and our performances on tour. Didn’t want to end it on that note!”

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