The Reaction To Best & Henderson Attending Jackson & Olding’s Rape Trial Has Not Been Good


Ireland captain Rory Best and his teammate Iain Henderson were in attendance for day two of the trial of Paddy Jackson and Stuart Olding at Belfast Crown Court yesterday. Both Olding and Jackson are accused of raping the same woman at a property in south Belfast in June 2016. Jackson faces a further charge of sexual assault. Both men deny the charges.

The case has been made very public due to the high-profile nature of the Ulster and Ireland Rugby stars, and is set to continue for five weeks. Given how delicate and indeed high-profile the case is, many are baffled by Best and Henderson’s decision to attend yesterday.

Craig Gilroy was also said to be in attendance, but the issue seems to be having two current internationals in attendance, especially given the attention currently on them for the Six Nations, which is just a couple of days away.

Here are just some of the comments made online.

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