The Irish Rugby Players Reportedly Have A Rather Offensive Nickname For Joe Schmidt

Heil Schmidtler.

The Times published a piece yesterday ahead of Ireland and England’s Six Nation clash this Saturday that suggests the Irish Rugby players have a rather inappropriate nickname for head coach Joe Schmidt.

The piece suggested that Eddie Jones and Schmidt were proof that ‘scare tactics still bring success,’ and went into some detail about the two coaches and they’re specific style of management.

The Times’ Chief Rugby Correspondent Owen Slot suggests that Schmidt liked to ‘micro-manage’ his players every move, with some members of the Irish Rugby squad referring to him as ‘Schmidtler.’

They are different, too. Jones is a fast-quipping Aussie with a readier sense of humour; Schmidt runs more of a nanny state which the players joke about by referring to him, behind his back, as “Schmidtler”, yet he still wins utter respect.
Jones believes wholeheartedly in empowering his players; Schmidt tries to take the power away from them and micro-manages their every move. England looks more fun but, then again, what doesn’t look fun when you have won 18 in a row?

The Irish camp however have since come out and refuted all claims. Speaking to Derek Foley of the Daily Star, Ireland scrum coach Greg Feek states he has no idea where the claims have come from, suggesting the players have another nickname for their head coach.

I don’t make anything of that really. Some media can come up with stuff just to be controversial.
Like you said, I’ve probably known Joe a lot longer than, ‘what paper was it again?’, than that paper has. Maybe they got it confused with ‘Schmidty’.

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