New Zealand Columnist Backs Ireland’s Rugby World Cup Bid


It’s fair to say the World Cup so far has been a huge success, well maybe not on the pitch for the home nations but commercially it’s been fantastic and truly well run.

Stadiums have been almost full for every game, with records being broke almost every week in the pool stages. The driving force behind those records for the most part has been the Irish and their amazing support.

Sunday Star Times columnist Mark Reason thinks it’s time Irish fans were awarded.

Can we please give the 2023 World Cup to Ireland. South Africa is under investigation for shonky dealings ahead of the 2010 Fifa World Cup, France were hosts in 2007 and Italy is far from ready. Ireland has the stadiums and it has the world’s best fans. It is time they were rewarded with a major tournament for all the colour and good humour that they have brought to sport over the years.

What do you think LADS? Is it time Irish rugby fans were rewarded?

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