Brian O’Driscoll Shocked That Age Old Irish Rugby Six Nations Tradition No Longer Exists

Super Sunday.

Brian O’Driscoll is shocked that an age old Irish Rugby drinking tradition no longer exists. The former Ireland captain was speaking on Off The Ball last night and was horrified to hear that the lads no longer indulge on ‘Super Sunday’

The tradition involves all the Irish Rugby team getting together for a session on the Sunday after the final round of the Six Nations, after a gruelling seven weeks to indulge in a few pints and bit of craic.

I was on to one of the boys yesterday and I was asking was a Super Sunday on and he told me that Super Sundays were a thing of the past, which I was appalled to hear. I saw some of the boys heading off on holidays on Sunday. Ok fine, you get four or five days off, but Super Sundays are part of the release.
That whole getting together as a team and going out and really enjoying it… Because you don’t get to enjoy the final night, out in town, no matter where you go. It’s not you as a group going out together. That’s why going to Keogh’s into the snug, and just enjoying each other’s company during the afternoon and having a few pints and having a laugh was some of the really great memories. I think back to some of the laughs we had.

BOD reckons that perhaps it’s something that has come with the new age or the new breed of rugby players.

I don’t know whether that’s come with the new age or new breed… I can’t imagine it’s a coaching staff thing. I know Andy Farrell certainly is a man who likes a pint, and Joe knows to celebrate things at the right time. Granted it wasn’t a Championship, but it doesn’t matter. No matter how you do in a Six Nations, I think it’s really important to pull it together and enjoy each other’s company. Yeah. you’ve been living in each other’s pocket, but enjoy it with the pressure off. Yeah, it is shame. I’m sure of them still met up, but not as a collective, not with lads staying up from down the country. It’s a shame that’s no a component.


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