Ireland Star Reveals Texts Joe Schmidt Sent Him Before He Was Even Called Up

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Joe Schmidt is a man for detail. His analysis is said to be up there with the very best and has helped him become one of rugby’s leading coaches.

Even if you’re not currently part of his Irish set-up, Joe is watching everything you do. Because even if you’re not an Ireland international right now – Joe could have plans for you later down the road. Just ask Will Addison.

Addison was born in England and worked his way through the ranks at Sale Sharks in the Gallagher Premiership, before Joe Schmidt and Ireland came knocking. And it appears that knock came long before he signed for Ulster and earned his first Ireland call-up back in November.

The utility back has revealed Schmidt had been in regular contact with him while he was at Sale, analysing any mistakes he made and giving him “tips and pointers”to on how he could improve.

“I would get a text about something I did in the 69th minute of the match against Bath away, which I’d completely forgotten about. That’s the level of scrutiny he goes to and at this stage, I’d probably be at the back of his queue with so many great players to choose from in Ireland.” Addison told the Telegraph

“Any time you get a text off the best coach in the world, it kind of takes you aback. You really appreciate the effort he makes. He is amazing at giving you little tips and pointers on how I could improve. All those insights I gleaned off him in those four years have been really invaluable.”

And what an addition Addison has been to Irish Rugby. Certainly worth the time spent by Schmidt. And certainly worth the wait for Ulster and Ireland.

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