Irish Rugby Match Tops TV Sporting Charts In 2018 With Astonishing Figures

Grand Slam.

Ireland’s historical Grand Slam win over England in Twickenham last year was the most watch sporting event on Irish television in 2018.

The famous 24-15 win was watched by close to 1,000,000 people, and came second in the overall charts, with Ireland’s win over New Zealand back in November coming third with over 925,000 viewers.

A third Irish Rugby match made the top ten with the bonus-point Six Nations win over Scotland at the Aviva Stadium in Dublin pulling in an incredible 729,000 viewers.

Other Irish Rugby games to pull in high viewership include the win over Wales (663,000) and the last-gasp win over France (586,000) making the Six Nations the most watched sporting competition on Irish television last year.

In total Ireland’s 2018 Six Nations campaign attracted over 3.5 million viewers. Over 2 million people tuned in to watch all three of Ireland’s November series games bringing their total viewership up to over 5.5 million.

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